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Season is Over Sold

"Season is Over"

The lobster season here is two months, May and June. It is early July in Montague PEI and the lobster traps were hauled from the ocean just a few days ago. They are stacked on the wharf and will be inspected for repairs Then they are stored for next year.


Prints are available if desired. Please contact through email in this site or call me at 902-962-2327

"Season is Over"

The lobster season here is two months, May and June. It is early July in Montague PEI and the lobster traps were hauled from the ocean just a few days ago. They are stacked on the wharf and will be inspected for repairs Then they are stored for next year.


Prints are available if desired. Please contact through email in this site or call me at 902-962-2327